Is it worth switching from ETH to XMR after the latest fork?

Wow, I got a bunch of PMs so I guess I'll just post here.

If you're AMD, as you probably know by now, you're pretty much limited to ETH or Cryptonight and its variants right now. So, ETH is pretty easy to figure out your bottom line on. Not going to get into that, just google it. However, to track profits of Cryptonight coins, there are a few websites out there that you might not've heard of.

The most well-known is Cryptunit. For best results, you will want to benchmark your setup against the different variants and input your rig's results for each algo. This shouldn't take too long but it will be worth it in the long run to get the right info. There's an "auto" mode that just guesses for you but it's not too accurate since everyone's setups are different. PM me if you need some help with benchmarking.

Alternatively, there is Profitbot Pro and Triforcecoin which are very similar. These two are more appropriate if you don't want to miss out on any CN coins, even the worst of the worst. PBP lists pretty much every Cryptonight coin out there. Saves yourself having to skim through Bitcointalk ANN threads. Personally, I would avoid coins with super low volume unless you're going to speculate on it with hopes that it's going to blow up in the near future. This is a viable strategy though, just do your research beforehand if that's something that interests you.

Once you've found a coin you want to mine, I've found Miningpoolstats is a great tool to figure out the top pools for each coin. It tracks known pools and their percentage of total network hash.

Right now, it looks like Graft/Ryo/Monero/Turtle/ETH are top picks (in that order) for my setup of RX 580s.

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