Why would anybody but a woman be a feminist?

First off, feminism affects men and women. It demands equal rights for both of these sexes. There are some stupid things like, men don't cry, they don't like pink(WTF? Pink, really? I know that this is not that big a problem but I just find this extremely hilarious), they shouldn't be emotional(Like they aren't humans with feelings and stuff) etc. It breaks stupid things like this.

You can't be like "I am not a woman. Why should I care?"(Point to be noted, men also face sexism). Look at Black Lives Matter, even white people who do not usually get affected by prejudice and racism against blacks, stood up for them. They joined in the protest.

Look at the LGBTQ+ issues. Aren't straight people also part of these movements? Do they not argue for equal rights to be provided for LGBTQ+ community?

If you actually think that you shouldn't care about a issue that doesn't affect you, I have to say you are extremely messed up. Sorry but I don't know how to phrase it differently. All humans deserve equal rights and in the words of Emma Watson, "If you stand for equality, then you are a feminist". It doesn't matter whoever the hell you are. Not your age, not your gender, not your race, nothing matters.

If you still think feminism isn't for people who aren't woman then look at it this way: That person may not be a woman, may not get affected directly by it but they may have daughters, sisters, a girlfriend, a wife, mothers, aunties, female cousins and female friends. Feminism has the power to change and has already brought about a lot of changes in their lives. Don't you think they should be a feminist at least for them?

/r/AskFeminists Thread