Would you apply for a US citizenship if you had a chance to do so?

Don’t even want free healthcare. Make it affordable. We are sort of lower middle class, due to over-working not by working 40 hrs. That means we don’t get access to “free” service. Gotta pay for shitty insurance from a company and end up paying more Copay. Private insurers are bitch here, they will charge more premiums if you are sick. They have all sort of data on you, due to absolutely weak privacy laws. I don’t know if we should buy gas station or pay medical bills. I guess that’s how people became millionaire. Stupid politicians keep getting money through “lobbying” (fancy legal term for bribery) and save the ass of pharmaceutical companies. Big Pharma can gauge the price of a drug as much as they want, and too in a drug funded by federal grant and they face no repercussions. How long will Capitalism live now anyways? With the amount of data and power the tech companies hold (due to lax data protection laws), US might soon turn into what Honduras was, a banana republic. Country governed by tech giants and their executives; with absolutely no control of public government.

/r/Nepal Thread Parent