I would consider myself a libertarian, but do my foreign policy beliefs refute that title?

I disagree that we shouldn’t be the world’s policeman honestly. Or let me instead say that I don’t think we should engage in war that is not defensive of our established interests in Europe and East Asia. But I think the US has a responsibility to support the nations that share our values in support of a more peaceful world. On the note of a power vacuum - if we don’t play hardball to some degree and defend our allies, I think we risk the expansion of Russia and China in global affairs. China already plays a worrisome role in Asian and African politics. I don’t like the United States being the policeman of the world, but since I think it is an inevitable position for some superpower to hold, I think that a country which supports peace, freedom, and justice for all is the right candidate. A necessary evil almost.

/r/Libertarian Thread Parent