Would getting my weight down help with my upper body width?

When I look at that picture I genuinely don’t see a huge rib cage, I honestly don’t think it stuck out to me as being extremely large, even when I look at the picture again I feel the same way.

I’m sorry that you feel like you need to lose so much weight, and do it so quickly, but your health is 100% more important than having your rib cage be smaller. I also don’t necessarily think that losing weight will help you feel like your rib cage, or any other part of you, will make you feel better about that body part.

I only say that because even after losing weight I still feel the same way about my body. I still feel like the problem areas are problem areas, and when I look in the mirror about half the time I still feel like I look like I haven’t lost a pound.

You definitely can lose weight and still be healthy and have energy, but not by going to the extremes that you’ve suggested. I’m sorry, it’s really hard to deal with body image stuff, but you can’t look the way you want to look if you’re stuck in a hospital, or dead, because you haven’t been making sure your body can keep going.

Good luck, and I hope things feel better soon.

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