would a girl be mad or disgusted if she found out her boyfriend wears women panties?

yea i think she will. and the thing is she is best friends with all my friends from school, my neighborhood, and even my FAMILY MEMBERS. so i def do not want to tell her about it. hopefully we will break up eventually before she could even get the chance to find out. because if i tell her and we end up breaking up she will always know that about me and i do not want someone (especially an EX) to know that type of sensitive and very personal and reputation damaging information about me. eventually she will tell her close friends and the word will get out and honestly if i have to choose between never telling her and breaking up with her or telling her and living with the idea that she will always carry that info about me for life to potentially use against me or expose me, i would rather just break up with her and move on before she eventually one day catches me wearing it.

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