Do you think this would be a good treant QoL change?

I think it's more akin to Dragon Knight's splash or Broodmother's Spiderlings Bounty.. increasing Dragon Knight's splash radius or Spiderling's Bounty a bit woudn't change much because splash damage is already something DK excels in, and the bounty of spiderlings doesn't matter in most of the matchups Brood is picked against.

Treant's is already elusive - making him a bit more elusive doesn't necessarily change much. Not to mention this ability type is already present in DotA, and in much less limited forms; Broodmother's Web, Firefly, Spectral Dagger, etc.

It's QoL because with dagger you can do most of the stuff that you can do without this talent anyway; this only allows you to move out of trees you blinked into without waiting for blink CD

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