Would you hire a male babysitter?

Im a single dad, my kids just have the one parent, and my kids had to deal with the same as you. They never got to have sleep overs at our house....many kids couldnt come inside to play....I feel you. So please spare me your victimization...I wasnt responsible for it...I just protected my daughters in the way I felt best until they were old enough they did not require it.

As for your all girl school question, they did not, but by the time young males were of any concern they were far past their ability to convey details of incidents and issues. I did however homeschool them through middle school because puberty aggravated familial mental health issues. During those years Id hardly call them sheltered though. They were very active in dance, gymnastics, and martial arts. In fact they went out more with other kids in middle school than they did while in high school. By the time they went to high school, they had a strong peer group at the local community college they also take courses at....so they really socialized more from 14-17 with 18-22 year olds. Sorry I dont really fit your ideal model for "parents like me". Might want to tone down your indignation...its not so righteous

Your final point of misunderstanding, Idioglossia is considered a language disability, ESPECIALLY when it causes delays in native language development...THEY DIDNT SPEAK ENGLISH AT ALL until they were 4 and by then had 6 phenomes they produces unnecessary to english and 13 english phenomes they were either unable to produce at all or could not produce fluently. This made the standard "sound it out" methodology used to teach reading in school impossible for them. So perhaps you should keep unqualified opinions hushed until you verify them with someone who knows better....LIKE A FATHER WHO WENT THROUGH YEARS OF IEP PLANS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATION COORDINATORS, and pushed the local university to accept the girls into 3 different language deficit studies so we could get them even better help in the summer time when school wasnt an issue.

OH before you ask, yes there were males involved in that...and I was never out of the room. FUCK me for caring enough to protect my young right?

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