Would you be interested in a simple MMO dev tutorial?

Full stack dev is totally a thing, and involves none of the buzzwords you listed. Backend engineers are a thing, front end engineers are a thing, Systems administrators are a thing. A full stack engineer is a position where you’re expected to have some level of competency across those three domains. The era of Ruby on Rails boilerplate apps diluted the term, but it existed before and after.

Yeah, saying “I’m going to make an MMO” is something every junior dev says, and they never follow through and it falls apart. If this guy is another permutation of that, he should be warned that it’s a lot of work, but encouraged to push through. Yeah I went through the same phase with nothing to show for it, but like all good engineering projects I came out the other side a better programmer. Who knows, maybe this guy is the one in a million who crosses that finish line.

Let’s not shit on someone for the crime of wanting to create something, even if they never finish. Let’s not shit on someone for wanting to contribute back to the community. Maybe he makes a tutorial no one watches, but he still made something.

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