I would like advice on Flubromazolam and Clonazolam.

Just don't get addicted to clonazolam. It is VERY hypnotic, amnesic, and sedative. During December 2015, I was constantly dosing up on that crap to the point of reaching 2.8mg daily... I would go to class and verbally fight with teachers.. Woke up next to chicks, not know their names, or how I got there... I also got cocky to the point where I was mixing copious amounts of alcohol with clonazolam. I am happy to be alive because a friend knocked me out while I was on booze/c-lam. I taunted him, squared up, didn't see the hook and BAM! My head bounced off the kitchen counter on my way down and was gone for 5 minutes.

Before I knew how strong this drug can be, I gave one tablet (.7mg) to a friend. I left and his roommate called me 4 hours later saying he was holding his xbox controller while trying to walk through his shut bedroom door. He also couldn't speak at all. Although it was funny to the roommate, it struck me that this is some serious shit. He was holding the fucking analog up while moving into the door.

Since you have them, do yourself a favor and just take .2mg MAX! Experimentation is deep within all of us I am sure. I've been completely sober for a month but I still try weird shit... I ate jellyfish yesterday (yuck). Good luck and godspeed.

/r/Etizolam Thread