I would like to see if people think I'm good I'm on Xbox One S

  1. It’s pretty scummy to go into someone’s post history, because you should be attacking their current argument/opinion, not what they said a month ago, or what community they’re active in.

  2. That sub is 100x better than this one, it actually has constructive discussions other than here where 8/10 posts are something along the lines of “streamers bad” “sbmm ruined the game” “forced crossplay ruined the game” “I need the golden peely skin” “dynamo skin is bad” “old map concept”. Obviously there is a fair share of aim assist this/that but at least is a discussion rather than just dumbasses circlejerking an opinion.

  3. “Assuming casual players label anyone good a sweat” dude you fit the fucking stereo type of course I’m going to assume it applies

/r/FortNiteBR Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it