Would you lower your standards to find someone? Would you accept someone who lowered theirs?

This is really not "standards" by how the term is generally used, I think you are taking the opportunity to rant about something you like to rant about rather than what I was talking about.

That said, if you care about a person having breasts and a vagina, then it is only an incremental step to caring what those breasts and vagina feel like or what they look like. If you care about eyes at all, it's only an incremental step to liking some particular color or shape of eyes. How are you going to tell people they are wrong for having tastes? Nobody doesn't have physical tastes, or they would fuck socks and cucumbers. Even that has an element of a physical taste. It's all a matter of degree. You're trying to make a binary argument over something that is a matter of degree. Every single person in the world measures potential sexual mates against some physical ideal.

Height, lol... wtf. If I were a woman I would not want a man more than an inch or so shorter than me either. You can't tell someone that's wrong, that's absurd. You care about some element of physical appearance too.

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