Would making rank flairs mandatory on this sub be a terrible thing?

You should be downvoted for that sort of thing. It's a subreddit for teaching and learning. Just saying "this is wrong" is not helping anyone. Sometimes dumb ideas actually turn out to work when people start to think about them or try them out. Sometimes dumb ideas are just people being uninformed. Making people scared to post their opinions is a problem, and anyone who makes people feel unwelcome or adds comments that don't contribute should be downvoted.

Your reasoning is partly why having mandatory flair is a bad idea IMO. You think just because you're Diamond that you know more than anyone below you. That's not true at all. A Silver player could be in Silver because they're bad at everything in the game EXCEPT they have amazing understanding of lane matchups (maybe they just can't execute mechanically or have bad teamfighting or whatever it may be). There could be a Plat/Diamond player who is well above average across the board. It's perfectly reasonable to think that the Silver player may know more about that one specific topic than the Plat+ player, and it's arrogant to think otherwise.

You absolutely are an elitist based on these posts. Back in S2 I got a ton of shit for giving opinions because I was "just a Bronze player." I was Bronze because I never played ranked but I played a ton of normal draft and watched streams all the time. I got so tired of my opinions being dismissed based on my Elo that I played ranked and got Gold in a couple months, then in S3 I went from Gold to Plat pretty easily and continued climbing in S4. I didn't come to some huge realizations that changed me from Bronze to Plat in that season, I just played more ranked. My ideas and opinions didn't particularly change, but sure as hell the way people reacted to them did. I said the exact same things with a "Platinum" flair next to my name as I did with the "Bronze" flair a season before and I got upvotes and acknowledgement and thanks rather than downvotes and comments that I had no business talking.

Like I said before, this subreddit is for teaching and learning. If you're only here to brag and talk down to people who are trying to learn and contribute, then you have no reason to be here.

/r/summonerschool Thread