Would New Zealand get behind a charity where 100% of its money raised is used to buy top of the line medical equipment and give all kiwis an opportunity to collectively invest and boost our spend on our public health system?

Now I'm not putting out any opinions here. God knows no ones ever like what I had to say before.

I'm just saying 6-12 weeks after the lockdown ends and normal training resumes, go down to wherever your local winz office is before opening, and look in the carpark for the befuddled people in suits looking like the world just ordered them to eat a shit sandwich. For some reason they always turn up in a suit, like the msd is gonna instantly recognize they are better and dont need to have all the forms appropriately filled out.

The 2008 global financial crisis was an excellent time to observe folks, who had previously been VERY anti social-welfare, experience it first hand. This little fun run ought to be a smorgasbord of folks who have been unsympathetic to beneficiaries learning why they should have been more caring. Also why having a copy of your birth certificate is fairly crucial.

I'm not saying it's a good thing. I won't be going to watch (this time). I'm just saying, that maybe some folks will learn the value of compassion. And maybe that'll help make us all better. Cause I for one hope they get the help they need. After they've jumped through the hoops.

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