It would be nice if people could tell I was gay upon meeting

This is an area, as gay people, that we gotta dance around. I’ve been out before with friends and would strike up a conversation with women before just because conversation is fun and I like making friends. Sometimes you see this hesitancy or get the “you’re hitting on me aren’t you” vibes.. so I’ll casually work in something like “hah I don’t know why I still even order whiskey sours.. my last boyfriend turned me on to them but they’re just gross.”

The vibe completely switches and I’ve made a decent amount of friends that will admit to me that at first they thought I was hitting on them. When in reality I’m just a very friendly gay guy haha.

Same kinda story if I’m out with a girl friend and I see a guy hesitant to speak with her but I can tell my friend really wants to chat with him. I’ll make it a point (even if it’s a lie) to lean in and tell him “you look just like my ex-boyfriend!” .. haha I’d then see the guy relax and have an “OHH!!” Moment. But if my friend doesn’t wanna talk to a guy and seems uncomfortable, best bet that I’m putting on my straight guy voice and telling my friend “you look real cute tonight, baby!” Lol.

/r/askgaybros Thread