It would be nice if TOS gamers stopped assuming everyone in game is a man

Personally, as a woman, it’s just a bit annoying that people seem to think of the default game-user as male. The internet is SO widespread nowadays and these spaces are only seemingly dominated by males because it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Men are referred to as the default, so naturally many of them they wouldn’t realise how frequent it is, and how it reaffirms the virtual environment. Which is not a fault of theirs, I’m just bringing this to light.

I know I often don’t give my 2 cents because in the past I have seen women met with misunderstanding or very rude replies for expressing basic thoughts (this isn’t about opinions that deserve to be bashed lol, I’m not saying all women’s opinions are correct, just to be clear), and I know I’m not alone. This pattern of expression —> misunderstanding or verbal aggression —> hesitance gradually maintains a specific culture.

In regards to men saying that “it wouldn’t bother me”, I understand that your personal experiences are where you rationally get your understanding of the subject, but this isn’t not about what would bother you, because you have had an entirely different experience of the effects of social structures and therefore can’t say what it’s like for others not in your position. This is about non-men right now, and it is the time to listen to another point of view.

I personally don’t care that much, I’ll just enjoy the game, but on the internet and games, it does get kind of annoying, feels excluding, and shows a lack of consideration (on a minor level). I never really call it out when it happens, because as I said, it’s only mild annoyance and I know they probably mean well, but since this thread is speaking specifically about that, heck yea I’m just gonna voice my opinion. To be clear, I don’t think badly of anyone who does this or has done this in any way, but I do think it’s an issue if you don’t show willingness to listen and approach the subject with empathy. People that aren’t willing to just use “they” as an easy and helpful alternative should examine why that is. Even if it takes time to get it right, trying is the most important thing.

/r/TownofSalemgame Thread