Would people really prefer everyone be forcibly kept on an even playing field rather than getting a shit load of extra content for free?

I honestly don't mind loot boxes in games at all, aslong they are done right.

The major gripe I have with the lootboxes is how they have done them, the fact that progression is tied in with them and balance being determined by RNG and who's got the most money to splash is horendus.

Why should a guy called Dave have a major advantage over a guy called Tom because he has money to waste on these lootboxes, this is what I hate. You can reply with "Well Tom can just play and get the loot boxes for free" yes he can, but it's unfair he should have to play 100+ hours getting his arsed kicked by Dave to have an equal level playing field. Now I know this isn't exactly an E-Sports game and someone somewhere always has an advantage in some departments for example unlocks ect ect even on a none P2W game but this system is way too much.

Furthermore Tom could say stuff it I'll get some lootboxes and get absolute junk forcing him to pay even more than Dave to have a chance of getting his power-ups.

I genuinely wouldn't mind this system if people could get unlocks in a fair amount of playing time, but I guarantee they won't. This system is created to bend you over backwards and take your money otherwise enjoy the frustratingly unfair disadvantage.

I sincerely hope people still enjoy this game, even if the progression/lootboxes stay the same. But for myself I have cancled my pre-order and will not support this disgusting, greedy, money sucking, RNG based of a system.

/r/StarWarsBattlefront Thread