Would you rather have fun or fit the meta?

Your question implies meta is not fun and non meta cards are fun, which is a bit ridiculous.

Generally speaking, playing to the meta IS3the lost fun, since winning is fun and playing with fast skilful little shits is fun. Somebody let it limit them and won't play outside the meta, which means that when some people do pick players outside the meta they get to act all high and mighty and suggest that they are the ones having fun and everyone else is hating the game.

I guess from the phasing of your question that you have branched out into some non-meta players, and like a lot of those people you are quite proud of your choice.

1 big striker and 1 little striker works perfectly for me. No need to assume nobody else is having fun of they're using 2 little strikers though. I assume they'd switch set-ups if they weren't...

/r/FIFA Thread