Do you think it would be reasonable to have an upper age limit on nation wide votes as we have with the under 18 restriction?

Nothing like getting rid of the influence of people who have lived far longer, experienced more, and have seen the same patterns in government to keep us moving forward to Utopia.

There's this wonderful thought that younger people have, in which they assume ALL their ideas are right, or even achievable, and everyone else is stupid. Younger people also are under a delusion that all their ideas are their own, and not just what propaganda they've been exposed to.

Are you really trying to suggest a bunch of twenty year olds understand global economics and international politics and just all came up with the same idea out of their heads? Or is it more likely they're just parroting someone else's agenda? As it is almost impossible to have the life experiences necessary to come up with an original idea on global politics and economic theory on their own?

When that person becomes thirty are they somehow stupider than they were ten years earlier when they had the grand life experience as an adult of about 2 years? How about when they're forty and seen a lot more about how the world works? I am sure by fifty you're way too stupid to vote, having raised a family probably, had investments rise and fall, seen people die, seen changes in government, and multiple wars and their effects.

By sixty they should suicide out, to make room for all those wise twenty year olds who knows everything.

Perhaps they lived under certain poorly thought our "ideas" and are trying to protect the younger generation, or their own children, from the next poorly thought out idea that they supported when they were twenty.

By that same logic, perhaps voting age should be increased to thirty as a start point. Prior to that they've basically been a huge liability and drain, and have contributed nothing to the system, paid nothing into it, and barely understand it. They're far too self-centered to care about anyone but themselves.

Sure you can argue that older people have all these out dated ideas because they were still cracking the slave whip back in 1985 apparently, but the assumption that no one changes opinions based on life experience shows a willing and obvious lack of knowledge of how psychology and personal experiences change out beliefs and ideas about things.

Did you even read what you wrote?

Are you under the illusion that young people aren't racist or have stupid ideas? Are you under the illusion that you're not being ageist right now? Or does that only count when people disagree with you?

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