Would you still get an iPhone 7 without a headphone jack?

Nope. My main reasons are:

1) I'm an audiophile and a fan of high-quality headphones. I own a pair of Grados that are not bluetooth capable, and they were $350 to purchase. I am not going to discard these headphones and settle for something with inferior quality just because of a phone.

2) I have a pair of old (but incredible) speakers that I already need a thunderbolt-to-30-pin adapter to connect my current iphone to. I'm not adding another adapter on top of that, which will happen if I purchase the iphone 7. Moreover... 3) Multiple adapters for different uses = clutter. 4) Adding onto the last point, these adapters are not designed with longevity in mind. The third-party ones are the worst, albeit from my experience the Apple-branded ones are really no different. I treated my old macbook pro in the best possible way, but the charger cord was fraying within a couple of years. I've also had fraying with a thunderbolt adapter. That plastic rubbery material is not very resilient. And since I listen to music every day, I'll have to use the iphone 7's new adapter every day - this will lead to a lot of replacements. I don't have the time or money to constantly replace my gear, and I don't want to buy into the whole planned obsolescence aspect of it, either.

/r/apple Thread