Would women who weightlift be hornier because of higher testosterone? Or would women born with big breasts and ass (fat in the right places but she doesn't weightlift) be hornier because of higher estrogen/fertility?

If you're really interested in counterpoints, some funny questions for ya.

Why is it to you that an "innocent comment" cannot be a bigoted one? Do you think it takes effort to be a bigot if you are one? Why is it that the average person gets... rather ruffled when someone of a minority questions their stance / wordage on something? Why do you care so much if someone random does call you a bigot with no substantial basis, in your eyes?

...Do you think it offers you any actual credence when you say "I'm not transphobic!"? Why do people bother saying this? It's like saying, "I'm not a liar!" It's something you prove, not just insist to make true.

Would you call a diabetic man a "regular man" up until you found out he was diabetic? Would you stop then because he uses needles sometimes as well? A disabled man? A different race? How far off of your bland white male concept does the "normal" go? Do you really think the lives of these people is so far off than your own, they constitute as some kind of "other"?

Did you know there are more asians in the world than white people? "Regular" by your definition sounds to be the average asian person more so than a white guy. Don't you think that you are not regular, in that sense? (Unless you're asian, in which case, you're the majority, congratulations.)

These are not meant to be an attack so much as genuine curiosity as to how the average argument to my comments really breaks down. This is not meant to be some sort of harsh shaming or something. These are straight up questions.

As much as "regular" and "normal" are not generally meant to be distancing words, it usually only takes one comment or question from a minority to turn it into that. If you piss off the majority enough, generally it turns into how we're the weird ones, and therefore... deserve what's coming. I'm wondering how people rationalize that.

I realize you are saying "not regular" is all right. I just don't know why the standard mold is white guy with no complications. That doesn't seem very regular to me. It also seems to me that as much as people say being "irregular" is ok, it's easily used as something to attack with, so it does seem like an issue to examine.

If this line of questioning pisses you off or something, please direct it as anger towards me specifically, and not transgenders in general.

Personally, I think "regular" and "normal" are outdated words that put people in boxes that don't necessarily fit them very well in order to achieve some kind of artificial safety net.

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