Would it be worth it to take up game designing as a hobby?

I'm a programmer who tried to develop a game myself about a year ago as a hobby and I ended up quitting as I found it frustrating.

Don't want to be a party pooper, but at some point even if you are a shit hot programmer, you are going to need to create some art assets and do some modelling. And also start thinking creatively about gameplay mechanics that, you know, people will actually want to engage in. Those are all very different skill sets that will take a serious amount of time to develop and improve.

I loved the programming problems in game development, it's a different beast to standard software/web development but I had years of experience with programming so I felt like I was making solid progress every time I opened up my editor.

I hated the art/modelling problems I encountered and would frequently put them to the back of 'problem queue' as I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I found myself lashing out at the tools I used, like Blender for example, which I will still quite happily call 'a bloated piece of garbage with a UI that I would swear is almost deliberately unintuitive'. Much to the chagrin of a friend of mine who is quite good at using those kinds of tools.

My own advice ... and I will probably get downvoted for this but its my honest 2 cents ... if you have no idea how to code, you haven't an artistic bone in your body (like me), and you have no idea where to start with 'creative gameplay mechanics'. You will very quickly find yourself in over your head and will get seriously burnt out.

TL;DR: Gamedev is hard, yo.

/r/pcgaming Thread