
What do you think would have been Ford's motivation to lie?

She could have been telling the truth, I'm not convinced Kavanaugh is innocent either.

Difference in political opinions?

Could be. It would be speculation for me to guess, and the motivation is going to be different case by case. All that is important is that there are motivations, we should acknowledge that people lie all the time to hurt others.

So much so that she was willing to go through all that shit, like being mocked publically, recieve death threats, and still not be believed?

I imagine that the right-wingers who think the lives of babies are on the line can justify a future lie against a pro-life nominee. If that happened to a democratic nominee, without supporting evidence would you still insist that we discount any political motivations?

Enduring public mockery doesn't prove someone is telling the truth, it just shows that their motivation is strong enough to go through with it. An actual sexual assault is one explanation, and so is politics, revenge, or who knows what.

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