[WP] After decades on the waiting list, you're about to get into the most exclusive nightclub in the afterlife: Hell.

If Heaven is whatever you want it to be then Hell is what you can never imagine.

The fourth thing that drove me to insanity was when I realized that all of us lost souls suffer our sins together but we experience them differently. It was the raping clowns that made me realize how upside down my eternity had become.

Before I discovered the layers of my insanity I was being drowned in a pool of shit, bile, blood, placenta and bones and then the orgerish hand that was holding me down pulled me out and threw me across the torch lit cavern. My body pinwheeled and - for that moment I experienced the thrill of fun - the impact dislodged my right arm from my shoulder, my left elbow broke and the bone pierced through my cheek and my pelvis was crushed causing my legs two wind upon themselves in broken heaps. With a bloody smear I slid down the cavern wall to the floor. I was helpless there and I could do nothing to stop the various denizens of hell from relieving themselves on me.

Because pain is real in the afterlife. You leave many things behind when you die but the sensations of humiliation, sadness, terror and bodily harm carry on with you as you trudge through the punishments of Hell. It is in between these moments that my mind feverishly and hurriedly wonders if Heaven is a constant celestial orgy of ecstasy. However, after decades of enduring what I find hard to rationalize, Heaven is but a dream that I will never escape to.

There I was, a pile of broken me that was defecated on at the leisure of Hell's legions, when the little shit red devils with red hot pokers stabbed my body back into usefulness. Their prongs hurt and I felt each jab that healed me for the molten red steel that it was, searing my flesh and burning my bones to the marrow. These damn midget devils are the true curse of Hell; as soon as you are ready for it to end they resuscitate you back to your hellish existence.

But, there I was, whole again, or, whole enough for Hell to continue to rebreak my mind. Those little red bastards forked my legs and buttocks into a line of people who, as I saw, were waiting to be raped by clowns.

I'll give Hell only this much, they have their shit figured out. Had I been in that line for two decades watching person after person after person getting raped by those clowns my mental acceptance of the horror to come would have become dulled and I would eagerly accept it just to get out of that never ending line.

And that's Hell. They put you through a punishment that you could never imagine.

I was the third person in line and I was terrified by what was happening to the current cursed soul.

*taking a break from the story, thanks for the prompt!

/r/WritingPrompts Thread