[WP] After watching 7 eat 9, 6 goes to warn the other digits. The war against 7 has begun.

The world of numbers always seemed to be a complex place. The living shared a lot of properties, but also had a lot of differences. But then there was this one day, on the block of real numbers, we see number six rolling on the streets. It was very late, it must have been past IX:IVX, the time most numbers would rather not stroll on the plane. Six always was a curious person, and since a while he figured there was something odd about Seven, so he decided to trace him. Then he saw it, he saw Seven feasting on Nine, till there was nothing left except his exhausted root. Six jumped up, he knew Seven was odd, but he didn't know he wasn't rational! This Seven is insane. Six ran through the streets trying to find the other digits and warn them at this late time. Knocking on the cells, Six wakes up Two and One, which were the leaders of the odd and even numbered, together they formed the real set society. Once they let Six in, he begins his story of what his eyes could not believe. Halfway the story One hits the table. Six knew he would do that, One always lost his temper if there was something negative being said about his kind, "I am not allowing this accusations without any proof!" But that was the moment Three ran in, horrified by his own doubt. Everyone sitting around the origin looked to Three, waiting for his story. This is where suddenly II other Three's walked around the corner. This.. This kind of cruelty hasn't been seen in XLII years. Every number had it's own unique attribute, taking this one away, or changing a number recklessly would corrupt the outcome of the world. One is convinced, Seven certainly took Nine's root. And he knows he is the only one who can stop him.

One has a dark history, he never feared his root, he knew himself, he stood eye in eye with his root everyday. He learned how to live with it. The most important thing for One was staying positive, if he let negativity lead his life he would become nothing but an imagination for the other numbers. He knew he was responsible for Seven's behaviour, Seven was a mere sum of One over the years. One knew Seven's real parts, the part of Seven he actually feared, was how complex he made the situation in plane.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread