[WP] Aliens contact humanity, but they refuse to speak to anyone not from Burkina Faso

Michel Kafando, the interim president of Burkina Faso, wiped his brow. In the last few hours he had become the most popular man on the planet. An alien spaceship had landed in his nation's capital, Ougadougou, and demanded an audience with him, personally. Immediately, every person in the city working for or associated with a foreign power had called up their superiors.

He smiled to himself as he imagined all the world leaders who hadn't even known his name before today tearing out their hair at this debacle. In an effort to contain the situation (and it wasn't yet clear what the situation was) he had blocked all roadways at the border. Foreign ambassadors and agents hadn't tried to force their way into the country because everyone thought that he held their fates in his hands. They were probably right.

The president's aide nodded to him, and he walked towards the white, chunky facade of the spaceship. Two armed guards flanked him, though everyone present knew that if the intentions of the aliens proved hostile they wouldn't stand a chance.

Kafando's advisors had debated hotly how he should approach the aliens. Some of them argued that, until they knew more about the beings' customs, they couldn't risk offending them. In the end, Kafando had reasoned that the apparently friendly creatures would not have traversed the vast space between stars without expecting to find mannerisms different from their own.

A deep voice emanated from the ship.

"The Grand High Prince of the Trans-Galactic Empire sends his greeting," it said in English.

Empire? Were these aliens here to incorporate the Earth into their civilization? Such an advanced culture could extract concessions from humans just through threat of their superior weapons, no need for conquering.

Kafando was about to reply when the voice said:

"What are you doing? Nothing. Are you talking to someone? No!"

There was a pause, then the voice said, "Ah, I'm sorry folks. My family and I were on our way through your star system when my son apparently thought it would be fun to mess with the locals. You know how kids are with their silly pranks. We'll be on our way."

The president and his retinue stepped back as the ship slowly rose up into the air, and shot up into the sky without a sound.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread