[WP] An evil league of villains is shocked as their newest member questions some of their practices, such as always telling the trapped hero their plans and operating from an incredibly suspicious, skull-shaped castle next to a volcano.

Eyestabber slams his fist down on a grey plastic table he had dragged into his little corner of the warehouse this crew of Day-rate villains had chosen to use as their headquaters for all their terrible activities. "God Dammit, KittenGrinder, he's wrong! Why can't you see that?" The would be anti-hero's voice roared out dry and harsh, the black spandex of his suit gripping his body as he turned around to look down at one of the newer recruits, a younger girl who was born on U.S soil only fifteen years ago, had had just been deported back from the mainland of China.

She looked back up at him, planting her fists on her hips and barking back up at the more experienced of the two villains. "But he makes more sense!" She refuted angrily. You waste so much time telling people about how you're going to stab them in the eye, Eyestabber-" Her voice was cut off when that very same plastic table found itself being hurled into a cement block wall. The impeding crash rung through the drafty warehouse, and by this time, all eyes were aimed on the scott who had been putting down drinks earlier.

"That's not the fucking point, KittySmasher!"


"Whatever! Fuck, look." EyeStabber let out a breath and stood more upright, presenting himself more formally. "You and I are evil in different ways. You like cats, and I love staring into a woman's eyes as they float around in a jar on my nightstand." EyeStabber's words made they younger girl gag, and Eyestabber did have to laugh for a moment. He continued "But what's the fucking point if we're not getting our name out there? We're not Terrorists, we're Super. We're not trying to go around changing people's opinions, if you go around being secretive, people are going to assume things. I don't give a damn about all that political shit, I just want to stab somebody in the fucking eyes!"

/r/WritingPrompts Thread