[WP] You find an online genie that asks you to type in your wish. Instead of typing "Immortality", you make a mistake and get auto corrected to "Immorality"

I laid awake in my dorm room at 2 a.m., bored out of my mind as I gazed listlessly through the contents of my phone. Normally, at this hour, I should be fast asleep, but that night, I just felt too restless to stay still in my bed. Suddenly, my phone buzzed as a pop up ad showed up on my phone. “Have you heard of the game Online Genie?”, it said in large shiny letters. “Simply enter your wish and perhaps you will be lucky enough to have it granted!” I frowned. This had to be a joke...Still, as I scrolled down, I saw that it had surprisingly good reviews. I shrugged and pressed the Install button. It wasn’t like I had anything better to do.

A textbox suddenly appeared in front of me. There was only a single sentence above it: *Please enter your wish*. I thought about it for a few seconds and then typed in Immortality. Or at least that’s what was supposed to happen. But the stupid autocorrect function changed it to Immorality just as I hit the Send button. Suddenly, the textbox was replaced with a spinning pinwheel animation as the words above it changed to *Loading Wish…* I waited for a few minutes, but after nothing happened, I threw my phone onto my desk and gradually drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to the sound of screams. As I ran over to the window, I gazed down at the carnage that was unfolding below. Dozens of burning corpses were spread out on the court yard below in a massive river of their own blood. I could see at least fifty people, blood pouring from their mutilated faces, tearing each other apart with knives and feasting on the remains of those that had fallen, even those that were still screeching in agony. Others seemed to be more interested in destroying the property around them, pouring gasoline on whatever they came across and laughing hysterically. As I looked at the building across from me, I saw what looked like a massive commotion between naked people with masks happening in one of the lounges. But, as I pulled out my binoculars to get a closer look, I realized that they weren’t masks at all. It was bits and pieces of actual human flesh that they had stapled to their own faces, and they were sodomizing themselves with human bones. 

There was a loud crashing noise behind me as my door suddenly caved in. I spun around to see my suitemate limping toward me, a mad gleam in his eyes. Without any hesitation, I grabbed my kitchen knife and stabbed it right through his throat. Blood gushed from his neck as I gouged out both of his eyes with my fingers while his body spasmed beneath me. I smiled a wide grin as the blood dripped down my face. Something told me that things were never going to be boring again...
/r/WritingPrompts Thread