[WP] You are an average citizen in a superhero city, but you've had enough of it.

 "In other news, Super Great Man has once again thwarted the Angsty Stereotype by saving the small bus load of children that he was holding hostage. It is reported that..." I muted the TV and returned to the satisfying clink of my weights reaching their apex. Down, then up, *clink*, down, up, *clink*. A soothing rhythm to calm the irritation that had already began. This city had spiraled out of control. 
 It began when I was a kid. The first one, the Masked Boy, obtained super powers from a chemical spill. I could feel my heart accelerate and childlike whimsy filled my head when I first heard the news. Real superheroes. This was going to be amazing. I had already began to plot how I was going to become one. Only, I never did. I only became annoyed. Now, because our city is the number one source of super heroes, it is also the number one source of super villains. A bunch of wackos began sprouting up to challenge our newly found protectors. My local commute to work comprises of go to Starluck's Coffee, witness a robbery, drive to the first stop light, watch Super Amazing Guy fight a giant monster, then get to work just in time to see an alien ship hover overheard in search of their lost projects. My life has become every chapter of every comic in existence, except I'm playing the role of background terrified male number 3. I never did well being an extra in life. 
 I could feel the bar return snugly to it's resting location with one final *clink*. I wiped the sweat from my brow while walking into the living room, the news being fed on every channel. Super Great Man had accolades being spread to every channel. Pausing briefly to watch him save another damsel in distress from something of her own doing, I let the towel fall onto the couch. The cover of the Extraordinary Men and an old Chemistry text book peeking out from beneath the white rag. My eyes lingered on a family photo on the wall, my past surged before me for a brief moment before I wiped it away. About two years ago I decided it was time someone did something. Everyone would complain and suggested that someone should do something. Or that someone would eventually come along and stop this. That's when I began.
 I took the stairs down to our basement level. A soft buzz emitted from the walls around me. The comforting hum of technology. Coming to a gigantic steel door, I waved my hand across a sensor. "Welcome back, Mr. Mann." a female voice responded as the door slid open. I took my steps in the same rhythmic fashion as my weights. Slow, methodical, every step serving it's purpose to guide me to my destination. I passed by my diplomas from college, trinkets that I held onto to remind me of the drive to get myself here. My eyes read past "Doctors of Chemistry" and then another "Doctors of Biology". I thought that Doctor had a good sound to it. 
 "Desiree." I said softly as I approached the main room. "How are the simulations running?" 
  The familiar voice appeared again, seeming to fill every void of space in the room. "The simulations have completed. The serum has tested with 99.9 percent success."
 My body jumped slightly, my fist raised to the air in excitement. I was there. After all this time, I was there."Desiree, that's amazing. What happened in the other .1 percent?"
 "Instantaneous death."
 I recoiled slightly at the words. "Instantaneous.. death..." I whispered the words repeated for my own benefit. I smiled and hid behind my 99.9 percent. "Begin mass production. Load according to Operation AVG."
 "Sir, I suggest we still find other solutions to sto-"
 "Desiree, you have been a most faithful assistant. I thank you for your guidance. Begin mass production." 
 "As you wish."
 I had programmed her to be like the girl I had always wanted. Headstrong, fights back, asserted herself, but her being an A.I. made most of these qualities moot when she would always apply my commands after one or two comments. It can't be helped, my life's mission had to come first. 
 I took my seat at the computer in the center of the main room. A plain black background with only one icon labeled "AVG". I opened it now, a simple textbox revealing itself on the screen. The blinking cursor reflecting back at me in the darkness. An odd hesitation came over my hands as I began to type.
 "Begin Operation."
/r/WritingPrompts Thread