[WP] You are the manliest man you know. You are living a peaceful deliquent life until one day you die and get reincarnated as the princess of some fantasy kingdom in some fantasy world.

After wiping sweat from my brow, I stuck my woodcutter's ax in Master Ory's cutter stump. The wood pile next to it reached to about my waist and for about an hour's work, I'd say I did a damn good job. The wood in this damn place is thicker than usual; I think the castle wizard said it was some magic in the soil or something. Who knows. But at any rate, someone's gotta keep this place warm, and sure as hell Ory wasn't gonna do the job right. That wispy, sorry-ass for a man couldn't cut his way outta a paper bag.

"Princess Twinklewary, you know that your mother doesn't approve of this behavior unbecoming of princesses!" Master Ory whined.

I flared my nostrils. Not only did this wet rag know shit about outdoors stuff,

/r/WritingPrompts Thread