[WP]You are a patient in a psych ward. You decide to break out, but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago

I am coherent when they think I'm not. I know what is going on here.

The inmates run the asylum here. A simple favor that violates rules and we'll use that against you. We'll threaten your job. Give us drugs. Give us alcohol. Give us what we want because we can rat on you so easily.

The inmates always run the asylum. All of the stupid sessions with amateurish wannabe doctors. We skip them. You want me to go? How about I tell your supervisor about those drugs you gave me.

The inmates have always run the asylum. You're going to let me out of this cage. You're going to let us sleep with each other as your unqualified security watches on closed circuit. You'll let us do this or I'll tell everybody about how I warned you about the drugs your subordinates gave me and you did nothing to stop it.

We always have. Always.

"Mr. Wu, we'd like to have a word with you".

Light floods the room as the heavy door moves sluggishly behind the tug of the small nurse.

"Down the hall. Mrs. Xiu requested you."

No escort. No security. Freedom inside the confines of punishment. Punishment I don't deserve.

Last week I celebrated my 25th birthday but there's years of my life I have no memory of. Drug abuse can be crippling on the undeveloped youth.

My paperwork states that I was found in a boat, naked, shouting terroristic threats. When I became coherent of everything going on here at Sai Ying Pun, I realised that this place is just like normal life, with a few extra rules.

Rule number 1. Don't strike a nurse.

Rule number 2. If struck by a nurse, do not resist.

Rule number 3. Never, ever, attempt to make contact with the outside world.

That's the rule I broke. Rule number 3. Now I have to explain myself to Mrs. Xiu.

"Ma'am, I saw a helicopter and merely tried to reflect the sun off of my pocket mirror. I thought it'd blind him, which would be funny to me."

Mrs. Xiu is a joke of a leader. She turns her cheek to violence. She knocks on doors late at night to sleep with inmates. She's literally insane. But she hates when patients break rules.

"Mr. Wu, we have strict guidelines about outside contact. Let me remind you that the last patient who made contact was mocked by that person and fell into a downward spiral that lead to their suicide... You're different. You're not like THEM. this is for your own protection".

I nod my head. I play along... because I know what is going on. I am coherent, when they think I am not.

Sai Ying Pun has been closed for decades. The nurses, the guards, everybody. They're holding us hostage. They play make believe. They pretend to be what they say they are. They're the looneys. I threaten their jobs every day to get what I want so I can acquire tools. Plan. Determine a floor plan.

They're the looneys. The inmates are running the asylum. They always have. And tonight? I'm breaking the fuck out.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread