[WP] You are a super hero with the power to find missing pets. After years of finding peoples pets, you've become tired. Your about to give up when a little girl changes your mind.

He grimaced as he punched Revolution through the wall. He didn’t turn around to check on Dr. Kimble. That fist sized hole in her chest meant he could nothing for the Doctor, he had failed again against Revolution. Bitch.

Increasing his speed to Mach 1, he sped through the gap in the wall after Revolution. He had to get to her before she shook off the impact of his punch. Reaching the street, Race saw her begin to get up, he upped his speed to Mach 2, pivoting and slamming into her with his right shoulder. He couldn’t wait to get her out of the city, the collateral damage from their fight would kill hundreds. Lifting her off her feet with his shoulder, he moved to Mach 3 moving on a vector that would get them out of New York. The sequential sonic booms would leave bystanders deaf but there was better than the dead a city fight could leave in it’s wake. He had no delusions about who he was dealing with.

She must have killed 50 people over the last 10 years. Race had stopped her several times but he had not always been successful. The bitch never left anyone wounded, only dead. Over the years, he and his fellow hero’s had hunted down any villain worth being mentioned. One by one, each was captured and jailed, Except for Revolution. Revolution had never been a leader, she had never robbed, but she was the worst of them all. All she believed in was killing and she never gave up in a fight. Tough, smart and worst of all, innovative.

Four years ago they had her cornered in Seattle, Avian and Atomos covering the sky; Race, Grinder and Hitter, around her on the ground covering all exits. Race was able to knock her out, but not before she tricked Atomos into burning Avians wings off in an inferno of rage, right after she had impaled Hitter with a steel spike she improvised. Avian’s wings never grew back and his mind never recovered either. Race could still hear the bitch laughing. He wished he hadn’t pulled his punch back then, it would have taken her head off. How many more friends dead since then.

Revolution brought her fist right onto his balls, Race screamed in pain, tumbling round and round as he fell over grabbing his crotch. Blinking through the blinding pain, he looked around, he had gotten far enough. They were out of the city, in the farm fields. Revolution spun, kicking at again at his crotch. Race stepped back, fighting his blackout, and punched out blindly before falling to the ground.

Looking down on the still body of Race, Revolution wolf whistled. “What a fucking man.” He actually got her out of that crappy city, Mach 4 was past his abilities, he’d probably broken both his legs getting her out. She could’nt give a shit about the people there, but Race, ah, Race, Race would never let anyone die if he could do something about it. How tempted he was to kill her all those times before, but he never planted the killing blow regardless of the number of people she had killed, maimed or tortured. As if he could. She put her hands on his legs and let nanites work their magic. She didn’t give fuck about those hypocrites in the city with their grand slogans about working hard. Freeing themselves from the soil towards the stars. Deceiving themselves about how they were better then her and hers. She saw through all that grandstanding, they were just pricks and bullies, and even if she had to do it herself, she was going to bring the whole fucking thing down. Down to the burning fucking ground.

Race, though, this guy? She loved this man. He never gave up trying to convince her. Never tried to kill or humiliate her despite her background. She could feel the nanites work their way around his bones, stitching them together. She could feel herself getting weaker supplying them with the calcium she had to give them to repair the joints. It wasn’t bad, she had done more before. The last time they tangled, she had to knit his skull back together, that was tough. She had nearly broken down in her panic fearing she couldn’t save his life. Race was an idiot. To this day, after so many years, he still hadn’t realized he was weaker, slower, less robust and not to mention dumber then her. He had been brainwashed by this Apple Pie bullshit and there was no going around it. She had tried but finally accepted him the way he was, though she couldn’t stop being who she was either. She was going to bring the fucking powers that be down to the ground and nobody was going to stop her. She sat there stroking his red hair waiting for him to come to. It wouldn’t be safe leaving him alone.

Kimble couldn’t open her eyes. She could feel the absence of her chest. She was paralyzed. Couldn’t move even a toe. She would feel the panic build. She had everything ready, the virus, the vector bearers, the cleanup crew. The whole world was going to be hers. No one knew what she had planned. All the powers of the world would have been hers. With her immortality even the Leadership would have given into her. She would have ushered an even greater future. She would have wept, but now she would be in torment forever, living forever, probably past even the Sun's death. Knowing her failure forever. All because of that bitch, Revolution.

Race got up. He was sore everywhere, particularly the legs. Revolution was there too. He got lucky this time, his final punch before blacking out saved him. He stared at her, her black hair on the ground like an evil nimbus around her head. When was she going to stop? He wished he could snap her neck right now, remembering the smell of Avian’s frying flesh. It would be so easy. Race sighed. He picked her up and began the long run back to Berlin and the Fuhrer.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread