[WP] You are a thief that steals luck.

The greatest thing about stealing luck, is that you don't have to be sneaky at all. A normal thief sticks to the shadows, swiping all of your valuables. Me? I just walk to them. That's it. Just walk up.

Sure, I do feel bad. I get to live the good life, everything goes my way, but I just can't help feel guilty. My good fortune means that someone else has a shit day. I try to take small amounts of luck, still leave them some good days, but if you're a prick and act all high and mighty, don't be surprised when your car breaks down in the woods, and a bear attacks you. Chances are, I made that happen, or you're just stupid and forgot to gas your car up, or carry a spare. Shithead.

The Best thing I did? Well, A few years back, I met someone named James. Don't remember his last name. James was the definition of an asshole. He was rich because his father worked hard his entire life, and James just came along and inherited all that money. He was an idiot too, He thought he was too rich to learn.

Anyways, I saw him in a Starbucks, right? He was walking around, treating everyone else like shit. Hell, when I walked up near him, I distinctly heard him refer to me as an "Dirty Mexican." And I wasn't even Mexican! I'm Italian, ye fuckin stupid fuck.

I wasn't too pissed, Maybe he had a bad day, or some shit, and just needed to vent. I let him insult me. Then, He walks out. He gets into his BMW, instantly smashes into a girl standing on the street, then drives off, leaving her leg crushed.

That was it, I had had enough of his shit. I was okay with him insulting everyone, but he just broke a girl's leg. I fucking ran after his car, and after five minutes, when he slowed to a halt, I ran right past him, and sucked ALL of his luck from him. I mean All

I ran back to the store, right after the paramedics arrived. The girl looked like she was in pain, crying and shit. I felt bad, so I let her have 95% of James's luck. Because fuck it, yolo, right?

After that, I followed James closely, I learn a lot about his life, and I was there when his father disowned him for being a shithead, and he became almost homeless, forced to live of welfare, which was ironic, because I distinctly remember him calling me a "Welfare-suckling dirty mexican."

Last I heard of the girl, she got a scholarship, went on to be a really rich person, but she donated most of the money she got to charity.

Can't say I regret it.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread