[WP] You awake one morning to find you can't leave your home. You don't know how to explain it; you simply cannot will yourself to leave.


That's the first thing I hear as I wake up. It's the first thing I hear most mornings. The soft pitter-patter of the water droplets hitting the window and the occasional rumbling of thunder. It's amazing how something as chaotic as thunder can be so soothing in the right environment.

I glance across the bed. The darkened room once again outlines what I was fearing. An empty plain that seems to stretch on for miles until being cut off by the blank wall of the bedroom. Looking in this direction used to provide my morning with so much joy, knowing that I was looking the one thing that gave me purpose right in the eyes, but now I'm only met with the harsh blank white wall.

I lay there for a while, until the alarm goes off. 7:15. I need to get up, I tell myself. I need to go back to work. They said take as much time as I need, but I can't just waste away in here. After wrestling with the inner machinations of my mind to the blaring of my alarm, I pull myself out of bed, and begin dancing the dance that is getting ready for work. I stare at the zombie looking at me through my mirror as I brush my teeth before showering a quiet dismal shower.

After burying myself into a towel, I walk over to the closet door, and grab the handle, knowing that the very thing I'm dreading lies right on the other side. "I can do this." I tell myself, words I know have no meaning, but I muster in a vain attempt to make this a different day then yesterday, or the day before.

I open the closet door and the shock brings my progress to a jarring halt, the sight of the clothes in the closet, half of the clothes hanging there once belonged to someone so important to me, but now belong to no one. The very scent of them takes me back those few special mornings that we shared as we both prepared for what the day brings us. They seemed so colorful then, but now they're nothing more dull shapes hanging in the closet.

I can't do this. I'll try again tomorrow. I'll move on, but now...

I look towards my bed.

I guess that this must be the place.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread