[WP] Cave explorers have literally discovered Hell, deep inside the Earth. The UN Security Council is holding an emergency meeting to discuss their options.

The delegates' eyes twitch around the room like rabbits who smell a fox on a windy day. The speaker is disconcerting to them – perhaps reasonably. They would almost certainly have felt more at home with a fiery serpent, or an abhorrent mass of putrid flesh, or even a classic imp. They did not expect someone so close to their own. He – it? – is not, of course, human, nor had he ever been. They can see that in his eyes. They gleam with a light that is simultaneously beautiful and hideous. The delegates could not lock eyes with him even if they tried (and they do not, he frightens them too much) – one might as well stare into the sun.

His voice, however, is soft, gentle. "I am pleased to meet all of you. It is nice to meet human politicians on… slightly friendlier terms than normal." He laughs – a high, clear sound like a bell. He is the only one. "Only slightly, clearly."

"Your world and ours have made first contact. There is no going back now. Though the hole may be sealed, more will inevitably be dug by the adventurous. What's more, theology has inevitably been changed. I am not authorized to give you the full anatomy of the underworld – not yet – but it is now a known fact to you all that the God of Abraham is, indeed, real. Whether or not any others exist is still, of course, in question."

"Despite your fears, we have no interest in… manually acquiring your souls." A visible sigh of relief. "Humans have done a fine job of damning themselves for centuries. We see no need to increase our intake. The population of Earth grows. The population of Hell – excuse me, the demon population of Hell – is unchanged."

"I have answered what I assume the biggest questions will be. I am willing now to answer any others. Yes, you. The woman from France."

The delegate coughs. Translators whisper in the ears of the others. "This portal has existed for some time – we humans do not know how long, of course, but you surely knew of its existence before this. Why have you not come through?"

The demon nods. "Excellent question. Simply put: we did, at one time. Centuries ago. The Lightbringer, however, ordered it to stop after an… unfortunate incident involving a certain scholar by the name of Faust." The familiar name sends a spark through the crowd. "Yes, he was a real man, and 'Mephistopheles' a real demon – though that was not his given name. Notice I say 'was.'" The demon grins. It is not a happy smile; more one of bitter humor. "Neither of the authorities, below or above, appreciated his actions. It was not his place to pursue souls. We – demons and angels both – wait for them. That is the proper way. That is the work of the Fruit. He was exiled from Hell and Earth both, and, having been long since banned from Heaven, simply became Not. Lord Lucifer then banned all demons from touching the surface – the laws against interaction was his work, after all. We demons have not seen sunlight since." His smile becomes more genuine. "I have missed it."

Another hand is raised – this one from a dark-skinned, bearded man from Kuwait. "You mean to tell us that the devil does not tempt us? Do you expect us to believe this?"

The eyes of Hell's emissary, still gleaming with unearthly light, now burn more coldly. "No. No being, celestial or infernal, has ever interfered with the course of your actions save the demon I mentioned, and, on a few occasions, the Creator himself. You know the men to whom He has spoken as prophets. You cannot blame us for your follies, not him for your glories. The weight is on your heads."

There is silence.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread