[WP] Coffee did not originate on Earth. It was planted there.

Ensign Udo Sir! Captain Mudiwa Ensign Udo. Your report, if you please! Ensign Udo Our scouts have just returned from Cultivation Unit #AS17. Sir, the infestation is worse than anticipated. The pest has become addicted to the Glorious Seed of Enlightenment and is destroying our Most Fabulous Crops. Worse, it has started to breed unsanctioned hybrids! Captain Mudiwa I see. What do we know of the pest. Ensign Udo It is a bipedal, tool using, lactating alpha predator. Captain Mudiwa Disgusting! Ensign Udo Yes sir. We will be able to say more once the reports by the behavioral and biologics task forces have been completed. Captain Mudiwa Thank you, ensign Udo. That will be all. Ensign Udo Sir? Captain Mudiwa Dismissed ensign. Ensign Udo Yes sir.

Captain Mudiwa Lieutenant Bazzi. Your thoghts, if you please. Lieutenant Bazzi Sir, this is worse than feared. We cannot stand idly by while our crops are plundered and the Glorious Seed is defaced. Our only recourse may be to shut down the cultivation unit and euthanize the pest. Captain Mudiwa Lieutenant Ekundayo? Lieutenant Ekundayo Sir, there may yet be hope. The science task force has come up with a plan which, if implemented post-haste, could salvage the crops, and the unit. Captain Mudiwa Please continue lieutenant. Lieutenant Ekundayo Yes sir. The plan is essentially a honeypot scheme under which we would open a chain of pest optimized vending units. Our preliminary behavioral research has indicated that the pest has a very short attention span and can be easily manipulated. With this in mind the vending units have been carefully designed to draw the pest away from our high end crops by offering a sickly, over flavored, ersatz seed-based beverage. Captain Mudiwa Interesting. Very well lieutenant Ekundayo. The plan is a go. I expect regular updates. Lieutenant Ekundayo Yes sir. Thank you sir. Captain Mudiwa Lieutenant Ekundayo. One more thing. This chain of vending units, what will it be called? Lieutenant Ekundayo Starbucks, Sir!

/r/WritingPrompts Thread