[WP] A crusty, mean-looking old man sits next to you at a bar. "No matter how hard you try you can't make everyone happy. I've tried." He proceeds to tell his story of heartbreak, loneliness, rage, frustration, and a gradual, fundamental change of character.

This bowling alley was a dump. I hated these team building exercises but I loved the free booze first came with them. The ice pack burned cold against my ankle as I took another gulp of free piss water, sighing at the many lost Wednesdays I spent in this rundown roach infestation.

"Get me three shots of the cheap shit and a bottle of beer. Whatever's cheapest this month." The old man sauntered to the bar and saddled up the stool next to mine, clearly ignoring the empty tables and seven other seats not adjacent to my own. "And another mineral water for my friend here!"

Before I could refuse his generosity, the old man was already insisting I take the free beverage. I conceded the point. Pins crashed down and a quick glance over my shoulder confirmed my company wasn't found wanting. No better time to continue not being a bother.

After the mean-looking, crusty, old man had taken his shots, the fire in his eyes dimmed. They lost all focus.

"No matter how hard you try, you can't make everyone happy. I've tried." He slammed back another shot before violently leaving its empty husk upon the mahogany.

Looking around, I found no escape. Even the bartender had put on his best mask to deal with this old bastard. I raised a single finger and was immediately served another bottle.

"But living only for yourself is an equally dangerous trap," the old man said, fidgeting with loose ice, a half-empty mug, and a straw he used to draw idly on the bar.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread