[WP] A cryogenically frozen man awakens after a hundred years spent in hell.

The man from hell, some of them called me. Dante's son, others did. Hellboy, some asshole newspaper tried, printing my face on the cover with photoshopped red skin and horns. I told them how it was like now more times than I can count. "There is no fire?" "There is no pain? No suffering? No demons?" I tell them no. You know what hell is like? You really wanna know? Hell is a happy life. I told them, right after I woke up, that hell was the place I raised a family. Hell was Jasmine and my son Bruce, and the guys at work. Hell was my place in Jacksonville, and my favorite beer. I tell them that during my cryogenic sleep, I dreamed, but not like any dream. It was real. This is what hell is like. I was born, after I fell asleep, into a nice family. I grew up in the suburbs, I made friends. I got into college, I met Jasmine. I got married. I had no memory of being frozen. I was happy in Hell. I lived to be whatever years old, lying tired in a bed, surrounded by grandsons and happiness. And then the devil is only a voice, and it rings in your ear. "Wake up." And, "none of this is real." And you wake up back to real life. Lost. I told them all that. That yes, of course I love Karen, and I love my daughter Sue. I loved every second I spent with them, from the moment I woke up to now. But I miss Bruce, and I miss Jasmine. I miss hell. I miss what is not real, because I lived a whole life that does not exist, and I loved and cared for people that do not exist. They don't understand it, Sue and Karen. Even now, by my side on the bed, I try to tell them about Jasmine and I try to tell them about Bruce, but they don't get it. They think it was a dream I had, while frozen. It was real. It's just not anymore. Karen holds my hand, and I notice the blue rivers of veins across her pale skin. When did we get so old? "It's going to be ok, honey. We love you." That is true. They love me. At least I found love in real life. I rose from hell and did it all over again. "Yeah dad, we love you", Sue ads. I smile. I love them, too. Karen and Sue now both hold my hand, and lean closer to me. It feels good. To be loved. And then I hear a voice. "Wake up." It's not over.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread