[WP] You die. Your consciousness descends into a dark oblivion still fully aware of the world it left behind. After sometime you begin to construct a new universe, as you always have.

As soon as I had closed my eyes, I woke up. But it could’ve taken centuries or millenias, none could tell. Nothing existed. All I felt was my consciousness, but that was all. There was nothing to see. Nothing to listen to. Nothing to feel. No thoughts. No dreams. Pure emptiness. The first thing I felt was pain. I would not find my wife or my children here. But then, the void appeared. The emptiness was replaced with darkness. Everything was dark. But still there was dark. Darkness exists and is a part of the universe, even though darkness is usually associated with nothingness. Every second it came clearer to me that I would never see my wife or my children again. But I knew they were still alive somewhere. I just knew. But still it made me sad. I would’ve cried if I would’ve existed. There was no me. I didn’t exist, but my thoughts and memories did. My consciousness had remained, but my self had not. If I had a name before I had forgotten it. I was the void and the void was me. I had truly become one with the universe. I existed in that dark lonely place for eons and my consciousness consisted only of longing for my family and the world. My lost universe, full of light and matter with a spark of life here and there. So much I had taken for granted. Words couldn’t describe how much I wanted it back. Then I felt it. I felt the void collapse. I was the void and the void was me so as the void collapsed, so did my consciousness. For a while I felt like I was shrinking and soon after, I and the void exploded. My consciousness spread across the universe alongside the first dust of matter. A wave of light travelled before them. I had created a universe and the universe consisted of only myself. But I felt lonely. There was nothing but dust and space. I couldn’t get my family back, but this universe was my creation and I knew I could create new life. But the concept of creating life was too complex. I couldn’t succeed in it immediately. So I had to start from the beginning. From the dust, I first created stars. I created so many of them that I had to form them in groups, so that I could keep track of them. I made planets to circle the stars, so that life could have a platform to grow. I experimented with my creation and accidentally created black holes and wormholes and other stellar phenomena. But they weren’t alive. They were existing in the universe and moving, but still, dead. I had failed to create life. I was doomed to exist in this universe alone. There was nothing for me in this world I had created. I fell to deep slumber and left my stars and planets on their own. But the stars and the planets had continued their work when I was sleeping. The heat of the stars had changed the structure of matter on the planets, and new forms of matter were beginning to form. When I woke up, I noticed something strange on a planet I called Rose. An ocean had appeared on its surface. Single cell organisms already swam in its clear waters. I watched them swim around freely and decided not to interfere in their path of evolution. I let them define themselves. So I left the planet named Rose to itself and then I left to expand the universe and create new stars. After millions of years of creating stars and expanding my universe, I returned to the planet Blue. But the planet was silent. Signs of global war could be seen. Great cities destroyed, ground burned and water was infected with radiation. Only a few humans and animals had survived. I felt enraged that my creations, my children had overlooked my gift to them and destroyed their selves. In my rage I landed on the planet and destroyed all the life that was left ont he planet. I decided never to create life again. But as I looked upon the ocean, I noticed that one creature, small as a cell, had survived. It swam the vast ocean just as free as the first the creatures that had appeared on it. It looked me in the eyes and I looked him. I began to cry. I had created the universe, but when I created life I had given them the world and now I had taken it away from them. It belonged to them as much as it belonged to me. Everywhere the creature looked it saw itself. The universe doesn’t exist if there’s no-one to experience it. And the experience is created inside every mind, individually for every conscious mind. Even before I became a god, I had created the world.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread