[WP]You discover a library with a biography for everyone on Earth. While reading yours, you notice that when someone else is mentioned, there’s a note showing where you can find their biography. It’s odd how someone who was a sentence in your book has a whole chapter for you.

What is is with bad kids and terrible parents these days? I swear, I have seen it all in this ungodly world. But this lil' monster ... was something else. He was maybe seven, and his parents couldn't juggle him with the toddlers. This wasn't just your usual rascal running all over the place (though they're terrible too). If there was a speck of wallpaper in the room, he'd tear it down the moment you looked away. He found a way to make noise INSIDE THE CRY ROOM. While not randomly laughing hysterically, one time he left the cry room, found the audio control room and put my congregation into misery for two minutes. Or we'd get a bouncy castle for an event and he'd unplug it, while kids were in it! And then there was the special food, confusing all the other kids in the Sunday school besides him and his brainwashed brother, who thought all this was normal, and I had it at this point. I organized the good Christian women to remove them from ever seeing the other kids again, while I'd write a passive-aggressive letter to cover our legal ass. While I didn't hear anything back, I still left the state and am now in hiding from them cause I'm sure anyone who'd raise something like that is foaming off the mouth wanting to sue me.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread