[WP][EU]A ruler in a video game learns of other existing universes, and sets out to use the resources in his world to conquer them all....

It had been 20 years since Bismark began his crazed search for "the source"as he had left his faithful and strong lietenant in charge of running the World.

he had traveled across vast deserts and blistering frozen tundras.

Mere men would have succumbed to the savage wilds, but in Bismark's heart, an unquenchable dynamo kept him alive.

Finally, at the edge of the known world, Bismark had found where the universe became distorted, into bits and squares, and then into numbers.

After traveling across the seas for nearly 19 months, Bismark's supplies of food began to run low, the last of his water was teeming with mold, and his bread was rampant with weevils and fungi.

After braving a violent cyclone, Bismark found himself in a new place altogether.

The wind was dead, and the air seemed to be empty.

Bismark's boat drudged forwards through the dead ocean until something on the horizon ahead caught his attention.

A great black void came into view, and as Bismark pressed forward, he noticed the water too, turned black, and into odd symbols and markings.

Up ahead, Bismark saw a great landmass ahead, composed of the same symbols and numbers.

Time slowed to a virtual halt as Bismark noted his compass and watch ceased moving.

Bismark's boat came to halt as it seemed to come aground on a shallow reef in front of the island

He disembarked and he wandered this endless realm of strange symbols and writings, which seemed to occupy everything in this black void.

Bismark felt no need for food or water, and after what seemed like hours of wandering, a voice called out to him.

"Hello World!" it cried out, in a voice which sounded as if a group of men and women were calling out at once.

Through the maze of numbers and symbols, Bismark found the source at last, a small faintly glowing orb, which floated in a clearing before Bismark.

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