[WP] Everyone has always said you have an infectious personality. It turns out it's true. Everyone is becoming you, and it's spreading.

"How did you...?" Muttered Mr. Blaga, with a face paler than milk.

It's always been like this. It all began one year ago, with a few jokes, the ones that I made. It was quite annoying, hearing everyone laugh at the jokes YOU made a little while ago, being told again and again.
After that, things started to get weirder. First the jokes, then, the food prefferences; I went to the restaurant with my friends, and, to our shock, we all woke up with the same dish at our table. For all ten of us.

And it kept happening; my clothing, my music tastes, my hairstyle, even my crush... The weirdest girl in our class suddenly turned into the hottest chick in our highschool. It was so uncanny, everyone started copying me for no reason; at first, I thought it was some sick prank, but it would have been impossible for so many people to imitate me so perfectly, so I went on and took advantage of it.

So there sat Mr. Blaga, staring at me in awe. Of course, it was the sixth time I got an A+. Before that, I was a C student, and I wasn't even trying to get better grades. I would also freak out. But ever since the "infection", I could easily memorise the exact parts of the lesson that our teacher would give us grades for.
I told him exactly what he wanted to hear before he could manage to ask me the questions, the whole class was staring at me.
I was a really antisocial person, but ever since everyone became "me", I wouldn't feel any discomfort in any social interaction.
As the bell rang, we all got up from our seats and started packing our stuff.

The main gates opened, and children were poring out of the building, circling the police cars that were parked in front of our school.

It happened again.

Policemen and a pair of two men that seemed like detectives were walking around, some investigating the place where the victim collapsed.
There was no need for me to ask any question. I already knew what happened.
Another suicide.
I think it was the tenth one this week, in our town only. I walked across the street, taking the right path, towards my home, while I was meditating over the situation. I like doing that. It makes me feel relaxed, it drives away my... less than pleasant thoughts. I guess everyone does that now. Everyone is slowly becoming the same, merging together in one great hivemind. Everything is going downhill, suicide rates are going off the charts, people are dying everywhere in our city, and nobody knows what the hell is going on. The whole world media is going nuts over this.
But I know why. I know the reason, and I know how to eradicate the "virus".
I opened the door to my house, enter my room, and I grabbed the gun...

Thank you so much for reading, I wanted to let you know that this is my writing ever, I wrote this during a class and don't really have any time to read it again and edit it, but nonetheless I hope this is at least decent to read I am open to any kind of criticism or tips, so please don't refrain from it. Thank you again!

/r/WritingPrompts Thread