[WP] In the eyes of an alien, describe an invasion of its home planet by humans. Make the humans the scariest thing I have ever read about.

Garcador was not a happy male. It wasn't that he had an unhappy disposition, he was as nice as a male could be. If everyone would stop being such cowards he wouldn't have to keep killing them. Still, this wasn't the source of that unhappiness, and indeed the unhappiness of the rest of the senior military command staff as well as the Prime sat in on a raised ring of seats around the disgusting coward at the center of the room, still wearing the rags that he had been found in when his escape shuttle had been picked up while fleeing from Persecorti "Well Ardiel why is it that you abandoned your post on the frontier, how could you let some primitive savages destroy a planet under your custody and not die defending it. How could you betray your people!"

Ardiel glanced nervously around the room, meeting the gaze of each of the high ranking officials and seeming to shrink further into his seat with each look. "Smoke filled the room, the others were dead. Killed by those, those things. We had retreated to the Alphas manor in an attempt to get him and the bearers off of the planet, they ambushed us as we approached the shuttle I barely managed to escape with a young bearer, I thought if I could protect one of the bearers perhaps my sacrifice would not be in vain." At this point he scratched again at the filthy shawl covering his head before continuing, "we had managed to hide ourselves in a small alcove, WE THOUGHT WE WOULD BE SAFE. I had only my pulse rifle left and kept it trained on the door. Soon after we heard the heavy metal on stone steps of one of their iron warriors approaching. The young bearer clutched my leg as a towering metal shape stood silouetted in the archway of the building, it's armor cracked and dirty but it's gun still seemed to gleam. I fired the entire charge pack straight into it. My pack must have been damaged in the fighting and smoke billowed around as I fired. Coughing from the smoke the young bearer spoke "Is, is it dead"? She asked still trembling. I think so young be... before I could finish a steel clad hand reached out from the smoke grabbing me by the throat while it's other hand reached out to grab the young bearer. The sound of whirring machinery came as the helmet pulled back from the monsters face, the face seemed oddly delicate with no thick bone ridges to shield the forehead and lacked the heavy features and facial fur I had observed in others. I Felt the thick metal of the gauntlet slowly tighten around my wind pipe and the last thing I heard before slipping into unconciousness was "Humanity, fuck yeah".

As the young male trailed off his eyes oddly blank after finishing his tale Garcador and the rest of the Alphas sat staring at the man in silence.

"Well?" the Prime demanded, "how did you escape".

"I didn't" he replied in thas he slowly reached up to unwrap the shawl from his head, the assembled leaders gasps of horror and shock echoed through the chamber as the removed shawl revealed an array of wires and machinery encasing his head, from within his filthy clothes he pulled out a short metal tube with a red button on one end.

"I was sent to give you a message"

"And what message is that?!?!" Demanded the Prime his voice shaking with rage.

Ardiels finger moved, shaking the whole time until it rested on top of the red button. Tears leaked from his eyes at what his body was being forced to do, he felt his lips move of their own accord and heard his own voice croak out "Humanity, Fuck yeah". He pressed the button.

200 kilometers above the planet Admiral Anderson sat in his command chair, sipping a glass of scotch, a small grin on her face as she watched the camera feed from the subject cut to static after detonating the weapon they had replaced his digestive tract with.

"Jensen I do believe the plan was a success, your device gave us complete control of the subject, make sure not to kill all of them, with this control device they will be useful in constructing settlements on this planets."

She paused, taking a sip of scotch,

"Captain Hendricks if you would please, alert the rest of the 7th American Expeditionary force as well as the 2nd Russian and a group or two of the Chinese conscripts".

As Hendricks ran too issue the relevant commands the admiral took another sip and sighed in a content manner "Humanity, Fuck yeah".

Sorry for bad formatting didn't edit this at all and typed it all from mobile.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread