[WP] in the far, far future, the multiverse theory is proven and people have the means to travel to any universe they'd like to live their fantasy. write about a universe border guard whos job it is to allow or deny people's access to certain "outlawed" universes.

Many years ago, mankind founded the means to traverse inter-dimensional gateways and gain access to mirrored worlds similar to that of Earth. The same applied to the rest of the universe. It was and endless myriad of worlds, civilizations and hell.

One might think that of all the possibilities, there would exist a universe of pure perfection. Those people would be wrong. In fact, most are riddled with some of the most horrific beings in creation. Tentacle ridden beasts with eyes strewn all over itself or globules ripe with acidic puss that burst upon the slightest provocation.

It was on the Origin, our original universe, that our most incredible discovery would nearly snuff the life out of our entire realm. The sentient forms of life over the vastness of our universe scrambled to create a resistance against the horrors that encroached upon it.

Intergalactic species and civilizations formed what would later be known as the Origin Fleet to combat the growing threat. The battles spanned light-years, grotesque monsters fell to their deaths into nearby stars, some causing supernovas and wiping out trillions in the aftermath.

It was pure hell.

Near the end of it all, a powerful entity appeared, announcing their self as the 'Order'. If what we fought were surely spawned from some sort of Hell, these beings were that sent from Heaven.

While the specifics are far more intricate, they basically imbued 'chosen' with astronomical power beyond mortal comprehension. But there was no time for such contemplation and the stakes were far too great to waste time in doing so.

The Order led the Chosen forth, carving a vicious path of death and destruction leaving galaxies in utter destruction. Gargantuan to planet sized monsters floated lifeless in the vacuum of space. Many of the more intelligent ones fled back to their respective realms and remained there under ever vigilant watch.

To pursue them further may invoke desperate countermeasures on their behalf and rend the life from all realms.

It was thereafter I, like many others, were charged with the duty to protect gateways leading to such realms. Terrifyingly, despite the widespread caution, many flocked to go to these dimensions.

Some were fanatically driven by either religion or madness, hard to discern the two these days. Some of the Guardians were strict and, at times, even killed those who refused to take no for an answer.

Not I...

I protected one of the worst realms known to mankind. I knew what resided in this realm. I let many pass and should any attempt to return, I would then slay them on the spot. Some would return after seeing their friends mutilated or liquefied and absorbed by some ungodly creature thinking they were going to see some wonderful god.


It was here, on this day, everything would change...

Approaching my rift gate was a large fleet led by an Order ship. I was curious, knowing that they knew full well this was a restricted realm.

I merely floated in place, arms folded across my chest and a brow furled in curiosity.

From the Order ship, a handful of armor-clad soldiers emerged with some fancy dressed twats following close in tow.

I merely raised a hand, my eyes looking directly at the more prominent individual among the group.

"Passage is not permitted. Leave."

One of the soldiers expression became agitated and seemed prepared to escalate but was hastily settled by the higher ranked Order.

"Please," She began to speak, though not through any vocal means. Though they looked somewhat human, they spoke via telepathy. "We are on a mission of the highest order. We must pass per the Grand Viziers orders."

I quirked a brow, the Grand Vizier was their peoples highest rank. Kind of their 'god' so to speak.

I thought for a moment, having allowed all kinds of nut jobs through to leave them to their demise, but this seemed different.

"What is your purpose?" I inquired.

One of the soldiers expressed his anger once more, suddenly reaching for his weapon. Without a second of hesitation, his body began to become engulfed in flames. That might seem strange in the vacuum of space, but no big deal for a Chosen.

"I'll ask again. What is your purpose?"

The others backed away, cautious but careful not to invoke my anger again.

The high ranked Orderian paused for a moment, debating on whether to force their way through, or explain.

"We have learned that a resonating voice has been murmuring through the various dimensions and is coordinating with other 'Grands' to launch a counter against the Ordered realms." She explained.

My expression didn't change. If they wanted to come through this gate, I would give them hell... though, there are some beings in there that I would not be fond of having to fight.

"And what does your presence in this realm do to avert this?" I retorted.

Just then, a young girl, a human... a Chosen by the look of it, came forth and parted the group and began to speak in a commanding tone. "Enough of this. Move aside. I must find this creature and slay it before it riles the rest of the Chaos realms into action."

Fucking Saints. While we are generally known as Guardians, some of the other Chosen are known as Saints. Immensely powerful Chosen whose purpose is to destroy the 'Chaos' wherever it may appear. If Guardians veritably the 'Shield', they are the 'Sword'.

"You're merely a child, what do you know about these Lovecraftian-horrors that lay within?" The authors work was my best way to convey what these things were. I could think of no other human verb to describe such horrors.

Just then, the gate began to reverberate and stir ominously. "For fuck sakes, move aside! We must destroy them or all of the Ordered realms are doomed!" The girl said.

I merely narrowed my eyes upon her in response to her words. She winced a bit at the gaze. Though I could tell she had incredible power, she had very little application and experience in using them.

"You know you will all die...right?" I asked rhetorically.

Though she hadn't seen her eighteenth birthday yet, she knew full well what she was getting into. What a horrible fate to bestow upon a little girl.

If what they said was true, me standing in their way wasn't helping. But, if they went as they were...

"...what if I came with you?" I inquired, turning to face the twisting rift.

The girl was taken aback, surprised a Guardian would abandon his post all of a sudden. "You would leave the gate vulnerable?" She asked. Her question verified her ignorance and lack of experience being a Chosen.

"I can infect the rift with a dual guard. One that prevents anything from passing through, a barrier, and a haze that, should anything be strong enough to pass through, the time it would take them would allow the haze to melt the skin from their flesh." I explained as I began to check my equipment.

"Y, you can do that?" She asked hesitantly. I merely nodded. "You think we sit here all the time? Nothing has passed through my defenses."

I turned back toward them, extending my hand out gesturing some sort of response to my original question. "Well?"

There was not much to debate. Agree to bring me with them, or fight me to get through the gate. The young girl nodded her head and beckoned me over. "What is your name?" She asked.

I passed her, heading toward their ship. "If you must call me something, then you may call me Thirteen."

With that, we boarded the ship and began to make way to one of the most dangerous Chaos realms in the known multiverse.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread