[WP] For centuries your family has passed down an old leather bag that provides the holder with an object that would be helpful in the particular situation the holder is in. You are getting on a bus and instead of giving you a bus ticket or money, it gives you a handgun.

Sitting here in the dark, reflecting on what happened, I wonder how long it will be until I am free again. Here in this cold lockup, counting the days, I still know what I did was right, because that’s what I do, always the right thing. I’m very good at doing what is right. But always having the right thing at your fingertips isn’t the same as knowing the future. I couldn’t know how it would go down? I mean, seriously. But still it all worked out, I saved a man’s life, idiot or not. Actually I’m thinking I might have saved many many lives. My record is clean.

So this fool decided to stick up a bus driver of all things, “Give me everything you’ve got!” he shouted. It wasn’t a very original approach, and unlikely to be very profitable, but to be fair he was clearly improvising. The driver slammed the door shut and hit the gas, dragging this dummy along by the arm. Outside the bus, I was knocked aside. I fell to the sidewalk, frozen, useless, seeing it all go down but unable to move. After this moron dropped the gun inside the bus, out of reach, the driver stopped the bus and restrained the trapped arm to prevent escape, while passengers called the police.

Eventually the police arrived and did their thing. And now here I am, in an evidence locker, wondering when I’ll see daylight again. But like I said before, I know I made the right call. I saw that guy a few spots behind us in line – the one with the ball cap and sunglasses who, in the commotion, returned something from his hand to the pocket of his overly bulky jacket before hurrying away and disappearing into the corner store. That something he stuffed in his pocket had a thin wire running from it, going under the elastic waste of that very overly bulky jacket. Who can say for sure, but I’m guessing his intentions were to blow us all to shit. Why the hell else would the right thing for me to do be to hand my idiot a handgun when he’s dumb enough to take that as a sign that he should try to rob whatever was in front of his face? I wonder if jacket-guy will rethink his life, or if this was only a temporary solution to an immediate problem, but one thing I don’t doubt: I did the best I could with the stupid human I have at my disposal. I may just be a bag, but I’m never wrong.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread