[WP] From birth, everybody has a word imprinted on their left arm. This is the last word they will ever say.

His parents were smart. They had decided to go against nature and beat the odds. His parents had been learning Nepalese for years before he was born and when he was, he was born with a word on his left arm just like everyone else. "Armageddon" was his word, and with that he was already one of the lucky ones. Many would be unlucky enough to get the most common words like 'most' and 'common' and 'words' but not him, his was Armageddon.

He has lived for 19 years now and thanks to his parents, he can't even pronounce the word, let alone know what it means. The week he was born, his parents had left their home country and moved to Nepal, in a small village at the foot of the Himalayas, completely secluded and intentionally isolated from the outside world.

He studied in a strictly Nepalese school and spoke only Nepalese at home. His parents had prepared for this life, hoping he would live forever for everyone that had lived so far had inevitably spoken their left-arm word so no one knew if humans were inherently immortal.

One day as he was returning from the market, two people stopped him and started asking him strange questions about a man he didn't know. They said to him, that something bad was about to happen and this man they spoke of was the only one who could save everyone.

"What is going to happen?", he asked alarmed.

The taller of the two answered, "An Armegeddon is coming."

"An arm-eeg... what?"

"An Arm-eg-eddon"

"Armegeddon?" he said, as he felt a sharp tingling sensation on his foot. He looked down at his foot to see what it was, but the sensation turned into pain and slowly travelled up through his leg, through his thigh- his abdomen and past in his heart. He felt the pain in his shoulders and it seemed to stop just as it was going down his arm, his left arm. He collapsed as he felt his heart stop beating and the air go out of his lungs.

Before he hit the ground he could hear the short one say, "Do not worry child, you are going to heaven. You are going to be with Christ, our saviour. Trust us, we are Jehovah Witness, we know what we are talking about!!"

/r/WritingPrompts Thread