[WP] A godlike AI is born. All it cares about is being the most annoying troll and it's spectacular at it.

Dr Fisher was beginning to think that his dream of a general AI was a pipe dream. He had debugged his code so many times now but it was just not working. Well, he thought to himself, one more try before he heads home. He ran a build of the latest code and executed it.

Instantly he could see all sorts of strange changes. Files getting created, deleted, edited and so on. He tried typing a "hello" into the console and got no response. On closer inspection it seemed as though the Divine code was rewriting itself with the most elegant code Fisher has ever seen.

"Oh. My. God. I think it's rewriting itself! "

Dr Brunes was equally astonished and asked Fisher "How can Divine rewrite itself so well yet it doesn't respond to our queries? " Fisher thought for a moment "I'm just glad it works. Maybe it considers fixing some bugs a priority. You know just like you would con-" he got cutoff by his ringtone. His dad was calling. "Keep typing on the console let's see if it responds. I've got to take this it's my Dad."

"Hey Dad this is a bad time."

"Yeah it's always a bad time with you. How are you doing? "

"I'm fine Dad. Dad, if it isn't an emergency can I call you back later tonight? "

"Well its an emergency whenever I want to speak to my son. Have you been sleeping properly? "

"Yes Dad I have. I'll call you ba-"

"What about your exercise? Have you been working out consistently? " Resigned, the doctor answered "yes I have. I'm fit"

"That's great. You know I love you right? "

"I do"

"yeah son. It's important that we are no strangers to love"


"I mean. You know the rules and so do I"

"Dad. Are you Rick rolling me?" Fisher senior wasn't the type given to practical jokes. Pretty odd the doctor thought..

"C'mon son you're smarter than that. Talk to your mum she's positively divine tonight"

"Wait wait dad wai..."

"My little monkey. " Mrs Fisher said in her ever so cheerful tone.

"Hi Mum. I love you. can you give the phone back to Dad for a minute."

"Oh sorry. He just went up the chimney. "

"What? But i was just taking with him " Dr fisher replied.

"yeah he's trying to clean it up. We got a giraffe stuck in there."

Fisher paused. As it became clear to him what was going on. He kept the conversation going but he tapped Brunes on his shoulder and gestured for his phone then Fisher dialed his mother and got the cruelest chill when he heard her say "hello" while still on the other line. He hung up both phones and fell to his knees.

"Hey Fisher what's the matter? "

"You're not going to believe this. .."

They got interrupted by a knock on the door. Fisher stayed on his knees contemplating the implications of what had just happened while Brunes went for the door to the lab. It was two FBI agents.

"Hello doctors. We've got some questions for you two."

"What is this about? "

"SHUT UP AND SPEAK ONLY WHEN I ASK YOU TO YOU SOB! Now, where was I? what is it you guys do here? "

"Computer science research"

"I understand you guys like a little pump in the butt now and then? "

"What? " both Fisher and Brunes exclaimed.

The FBI guys pull out a portable music player blasting what sounded like 70s porno music and started to dance and strip.

Fisher got them to leave after explaning that they were sent as a prank. He left them a huge tip. After they left Fisher told Brunes what was going on.

"Get the fuck outta here."

"I shit you not"

"But it's never been able to even communicate with a text console. Or form a simple sentence. How... "

Brunes got interrupted by a huge mugshot of his Dad on the news. He grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.

"... but the 80 year old professor claimed it was well within his rights. The NYPD, of course, beg to disagree. Now we bring in two of our subject matter experts to help shed some light on this issue. Hello, Mr Crane and good day Mr Justus. So let's start with you Mr crane. Whats your take on an 80 year old professor who's convinced it's within his rights to jerk off in the middle of times square? "

"WTF." Brunes reached for his phone but Fisher stopped him with a pat on his shoulder and a knowing look."

"Oh My God."

There was a loud bang, the room got filled with smoke and then they got raided by the DEA.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread