[WP] Having built a time machine, you go back to 70,000 years ago to see the ~1000 people who made up humanity at the time... and see something very unexpected.

" whyy? " finn asked himself. "why the fuck did i not bring tools with me? what am i gonna do? " frought with self doubt he kept questioning himself. " shit, going back in time was such a stupid idea, im so unprepared" The world around him was grey, greyer than finn thought it would be. He looked around, he was in the middle of what seemed like an endless field. It was chillier than he expected. " I should ve brought a fucking jacket, this is absurd, i should've designed this machine better, woulda been nice to have clothes" He looked around for a big sturdy stick to make a spear out of, he needed to make camp and hunt for food. He searched for what seemed like hours until he realized, there were no trees around for miles, actually as far as he could see. "where am i? " he thought. he saught a peak, he needed to get high, as high as he could, "damn i forgot papers" . He spotted a hill to the north east. As he approached the hill, it was much larger than he had realized. the base consisted of boulders at least 6 times his height, and he wasnt a small man, at 6'1" its not like many people towered over him, but these boulders made him feel small. He felt like an ant, but he needed the view, to find... something, anything he could use. Finn wasnt the most fit of people, even for the 21st century. climbing these mountaneous boulders was no easy task. His hand gripped a rock and he began to pull himself up. " hmmpf, i think i can do this" he tried to encourage himself.

As he crested the boulders he realized that his feet were planted on a small plateau, the "hill" was actually quite tall, probably several hundred feet high or more. A small cave loomed a few yards along the ledge, he scurried over to the entrance. A flickering light from inside the cave immediately drew his attention. Finn was careful to be quiet as he neared the opening. from inside the cave he heard voices, oddly intelligible, they definitely werent the grunts and groans he expected from an indigenous population. He loomed closer to hear the chatter.

" ...then in 1962 the Americans " reach" the moon just to piss off the soviets" an older male authority said. a child like more curious voice asks " can we hear more about the dystopian year of 3400's? "

" uggghh A. I takes over earth, thats really the most boring part of human history, its much more exciting to talk about the glinick invasion of 3478!"

-----i still wanna add more but this has already taken quite a lot more time than id like to admit------

/r/WritingPrompts Thread