[WP] Heaven is becoming overpopulated. Slums are developing, crime is rising, angels are sent in to keep the peace.

The Pearly Gates had gotten a makeover, their ethereal glow dulled by strands of barbed wire. Peter, sitting in a stuffy booth, waited patently to open the gates for those deemed worthy. These days, he was lucky to have a few dozen pass through in a week. As Peter's thoughts wandered to days past, a man in a suit appeared in front of the booth. As Peter snapped back to reality, he asked almost automatically "Name?". The man didn't respond, instead he looked up at the gates, clad in barbed wire with two searchlights constantly scanning the area around the entrance. "Name?" Peter repeated in a louder voice. The man, not taking his eyes off the massive gates, replied "Logan, Logan Schwartz". Peter flipped through the pages of his book for a minute before finally exclaiming "Aha! There you are! The German names always trip me up. Well Logan it looks like you just barely made it in. You will be rooming wi-" "Rooming?" Logan asked. "Well, yes." sighed Peter "Unfortunately, due to an unfortunate miscalculation, Heaven has had to increase the amount of occupants per living space." "What kind of miscalculation?" Logan asked. "When God made this place, he designed it with exactly enough room for those who he deemed worthy." Peter explained "Unfortunately, a few years ago we realized that all of our housing was full, despite the fact that it shouldn't have been for another hundred years. Well God didn't like that too much, so he sent a few angels to find out what was going on. It turns out that, somehow, the Damned had found a way into Heaven and set up shop in the vacant buildings. Things got out of hand fast. At first, the angels sent the squatters back to hell publicly. This practice was banned after the family of one of the squatters attacked an angel to keep him from sending the person back. Angels were then instructed to send them back in secret, which also backfired when the people found out the angels had done this without their knowledge. At the same time, more and more of the Damned were turning up every day. No one knew how they were getting in, we still don't. But it's all over now, and in a few year, Heaven will be good as new." As Peter finished, a young woman in gray hoodie appeared behind Logan. "Well it looks like the time for chit-chat is over, in you go!" said Peter as he ushered him into the gates. Beyond the barbed wire was a fenced in area guarded by several angels. A short, blonde haired woman came up to Logan as the gates closed behind him. "I'll show you to your room" said the woman. As he followed her, the fenced in area seemed to extend all around them, obscuring his view. "Excuse me" said Logan, "What is the Fence for?" "For our protection of course, what else would you use a fence for?" the guide said with a giggle. As he was about to ask another question, he saw a tall, bright structure in the mist. As they got closer, he saw angels guarding the entrance to the massive structure. The fence enclosed the entrance of the building and the guide held open the door as Logan walked inside. The lobby was pristine and golden, as if you had stepped right into a painting. As Logan looked around, the guide went to the front desk and retrieved a key. She handed the key to Logan and said "The room number is right on the key, don't hesitate to ask if you need help." Logan walked the stairs to his new home, 7th floor, suite B, and opened the door. "Suite my ass" muttered Logan as he examined the dorm room sized accommodations. The bed closest to the window was unmade, so he guessed that was his roommate's. He glanced down at the other bed and found a pamphlet titled "Rebuilding Paradise Begins With You!". Logan set the pamphlet down and went over to the window. A breeze rolled in, not like a summer breeze, but like a chilling, winter breeze. Logan looked out and saw thousands of beautiful homes, dark and silent. There was no movement on the streets or in the windows of the houses, just emptiness. Logan looked down and saw a crumpled body directly below his window, he pulled his head from the window and noticed a small slip of paper on the unmade bed. Logan unfolded it and silently read the note.

Logan didn't even feel the ground hit him, only the rush of the wind abruptly stop. When he opened his eyes, he saw Peter writing in his book. Peter glanced up for a second, then turned back to his book. "You didn't even bother reading the pamphlet, did you? There is no way in or out, Heaven is eternal."

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