[WP] Humanity has always accepted but never understood the need for sleep. A researcher studying REM sleep unwitting discovers processing power is siphoned off during sleep. What could use so much power?

Colors took form. A horizon formed in the background, followed by grass and tall dark oak trees, a lake appeared in the distance where a woman on a boat was sleeping. Diana knew this scene, this was a frequent scenario she had constructed. The sleeping woman was her, her visual cue to become self aware without disturbing her sleep. She bent down and grabbed several stones, forming them into an A. To let Alan know she was ready. Like so many nights before, she began with a simple message: "Are you there?." She manifested the sounds into the dream. This was not the most effective means of summons. She knew to breach the fabric of these visions she had to draw from deeper waters of communication.

Without words, in the purest desire only known in dreams, she felt her intentions drift out of her. "ARE?" "YOU?" "THERE?" IT was language without sign, but it was the only way to be understood.

Alana watched though medical glass as Diana's breaths become deeply and the rhythms of her chest rose and fell 3 distinct times. The dream monitor dimmed slightly, the center filling with a perfectly round void of black.

Diana felt the response before she registered the entrance of the sphere. It's presence was too powerful to be ignored, it was feeling, it was an existence, it was the manifestation of something beyond comprehension.

It said hello.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread